A totally confidential five-stage process designed to simulate a newspaper investigation and identify the issues with the most potential to blow up into a negative story.
For example:
Do you know what goes on in your staff training sessions (and how it might look captured on an undercover reporter's video camera)?
Can you defend all your employment practices?
Are you up to speed on the latest scientific research or health claims that could impact your products?
Do you know everything you need to know about your suppliers, owners and investors?
Could your failure to make public an apparently minor data loss look like a cover-up?
Using information from interviews and on the ground investigation as well as publicly available sources, we will get under the skin of your organisation to identify the key “risk factors”. These will be set out in a comprehensive report explaining how they might reach the media together with samples of what the stories might look like. We will also advise on how to prevent that happening or mitigate the potential damage.
“My client was planning a move from a successful international business career into a high-profile public role. He was looking for a media risk expert to perform due diligence on him, screening his professional affairs from the standpoint of an opponent to find out if there was anything in his record that could be used against him or manipulated to portray him in a poor light.
”The Media Foresight team used a combination of journalistic investigation and forensic accountancy to produce a rigorous, clear and fearless analysis. The client was delighted with Media Foresight’s work.”
A one-day event to work through some of the key “media risks” facing your business and then test out your team’s responses in a live scenario.
Includes: research to identify potential stories and prepare examples of how they might read; a simulated live story exercise to find out how your team respond under hostile questioning from a journalist.
Expert advice on how to place stories and how to head them off.
With decades of experience in national news media we have a huge range of contacts and an expert understanding of the right angle to pitch to individual journalists. Instead of blindly sending out a general press release our highly targeted approach to gaining media coverage is designed to achieve maximum impact.
We also advise companies and high profile individuals on how to deal with unwanted media attention. When a story breaks, wouldn't you like someone working for you who understands how the other side thinks?
Our team of expert trainers have decades of experience between them in both print and broadcast journalism. We will get under the skin of your business, using forensic questioning to help you develop strong and consistent messaging and ensure you have the techniques and the confidence to handle any interview situation whether its TV, radio or print.
““Media Foresight provided us with a meticulously researched and expertly delivered training session that pulled no punches when it came to challenging questioning but was also hugely informative and very enjoyable. Would highly recommend.”
““Stephen and his team are slick and to the point, with simple, clear messages. This workshop was a no-nonsense insight into how journalists operate, what they’re after, how they get it, and how we, as media relations officers, can deal with their interrogations. It was a very valuable workshop.”